Vision & Values
As a leading global pulp-and-paper company, we believe in delivering innovation, sustainably and responsibly, working together to secure a better future of our customers, communities,employees, shareholders and you.

Our Value
Our employees, who are integral to Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas success
The environment, as our business, depends on sustainable operations
Our customers and suppliers, who sustain our business
Our shareholders, and the community to whom we are accountable
The principles of good governance as we continue to build a sustainable business
R&D and seedling production
2 Main
Seedlings nurseries
Annual output of
200 Million
Seedlings nurseries
38 forestry concessions
Seedlings nurseries
100% of forestry concessions
Compliant to PEFC scheme and certified with PHPL-VLK (SLVK, Timber Legality Assurance System)
100% of forestry concessions
Certified with PHPL-VLK (SVLK, Timber Legality Assurance System)
Fiber sources for paper production
Plantation Fiber
Imported Fiber
Recycled Fiber
Pulp & paper production
57% of our energy
is generated from renewable fuels
Water consumption
per tonne of production
We reused, recycled or recovered
36% of waste
in 2019
80% of our mills
Certified to ISO 50001 energy management system
Customers & consumers
150 Countries
APP brands are marketed in
17 Million
tonnes total capacity (APP Indonesia)
We believe that the growth of our business is dependent on the support of the people around us: partners, employees, communities, and you. Together, we are growing our tomorrow.
Awards & Achievement in 2019

Indonesia Green Awards (IGA) 2019
The La Tofi School of CSR
Awarded for:
Plastic Waste Handling category, Integrated Waste Management category and The Best Indonesia Green Awards Program in the Developing Biodiversity category. (APP Sinar Mas)

Sustainability Business Awards
PWC, Kadin Indonesia, and IBCSD (Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development)
Awarded for:
Plastic Waste Handling category, Integrated Waste Management category and The Best Indonesia Green Awards Program in the Developing Biodiversity category. (APP Sinar Mas)
Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating, Silver Rating
National Center for Sustainability Reporting
Awarded for:
Consistently implementing the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards for sustainability reporting (APP Sinar Mas)
Green Supply Chain Award
Supply & Demand Chain Executive
Awarded for:
The Green Supply Chain Award recognizes companies making sustainability a core part of their supply chain strategy, and working to achieve measurable goals within their own operations and supply chains (APP Sinar Mas)

Halal Top Brand
Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)
Awarded for:
"Halal Top Brand 2019" award in the paper and paper material category (APP Sinar Mas)

Climate Festival 2019
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Awarded for:
Program Kampung Iklim Utama 2019, or Climate Village Program awarded for Dataran Kempas Village, Jambi (APP Forestry supplier, PT. Wira Karya Sakti)

Indonesia Green Awards (IGA) 2019
The La Tofi School of CSR
Awarded for:
Plastic Waste Handling category, Integrated Waste Management category and The Best Indonesia Green Awards Program in the Developing Biodiversity category. (APP Sinar Mas)

Sustainability Business Awards
PWC, Kadin Indonesia, and IBCSD (Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development)
Awarded for:
Plastic Waste Handling category, Integrated Waste Management category and The Best Indonesia Green Awards Program in the Developing Biodiversity category. (APP Sinar Mas)

Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating, Silver Rating
National Center for Sustainability Reporting
Awarded for:
Consistently implementing the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards for sustainability reporting (APP Sinar Mas)

Green Supply Chain Award
Supply & Demand Chain Executive
Awarded for:
The Green Supply Chain Award recognizes companies making sustainability a core part of their supply chain strategy, and working to achieve measurable goals within their own operations and supply chains (APP Sinar Mas)

CDP Forest Score : B CDP Climate Change Score : B CDP Water Score : B
CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project
Awarded for:
APP Sinar Mas received a score of B which is within the "Management" level in demonstrating of forest, environmental and water stewardship, and our actions and approaches in managing deforestation, climate change and water

SPOTT Assessment : 5th Rank
ZSL (Zoological Society of London)
Awarded for:
Environmental, social and governance policy transparency assessments of Timber and Pulp (APP Sinar Mas)
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About Us
History, Our Products, Map of Operations, Our Mills, Mills and Products Certification
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Senior Statements
Chairman's & Chief Sustainability Officer's Statement
Sustainability Roadmap
Sustainability has always been at the core of our business. At APP, we create products and
deliver services with care through responsible and sustainable innovations for every product
life stage.
For us "Growing" is not only about business but also the purpose of improving the
livelihoods of people around us.
Sustainable Development Goals
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icon to see more information
APP are fully committed to supporting the SDGs. We applied the UN's SDG Compass tool to create a
detailed map of how our activities and our wider supply chain directly impact a range of the
Global Goals.
We have provided a detailed breakdown of each Goal, indicator and sub-indicator that we are
addressing through our activities in the Appendix of this Report.
More info on
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Forest Conservation Policy, Stakeholder, Materiality, Governance, Risks Management
To maintain sustainability in our operation, we are committed to carefully and responsibly manage these
resources, applying the precautionary principle in our approach to identifying and managing adverse
impacts on the environment.
By applying innovative design and ensuring the highest manufacturing efficiency in our mills, we
directly support our customers' sustainability goals.
Production Flow
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How We Work, Energy & Carbon Emissions, Waste & Materials, Product Innovation
Policy Commitment
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As a responsible business, APP aim to support the Government of Indonesia in achieving its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target, of which forestry protection plays a significant role through the way that areas of forestry and peat land can store carbon dioxide.
FCP Achievement in 2019
Natural forest conversion by APP Pulpwood supplier since 2013
Pulpwood supply from plantation
of concession area impacted by fire in 2019
Land disputes resolved
villages enrolled into the DMPA programme
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification-SFM
SVLK. Timber Legality Assurance System
Training and Education for Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation
We engage with wildlife experts and The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) to provide routine training for APP's pulpwood suppliers Task Force Team. With the wildlife experts and local forestry offices training and education to forestry workers, contractors as well as local communities related to the conservation of endangered species and tips on how to prevent, avoid and mitigate conflict with wildlife.
of Sumatran Elephant population in Sumatra
of Sumatran Tiger population in Sumatra
of Bornean Orangutan population in Kutai landscape
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How We Work, Energy & Carbon Emissions, Waste & Materials, Product Innovation
APP recognizes its responsibilities not only to its employees but also to the local communities living in and around its operation areas. Under the Sustainability Roadmap, we are investing in human capital management to ensure our business continuity, as well as empowering and inclusiveness of communities as part of our sustainable operations.
Mangrove Restoration Project
Woman Empowerment farmer group
Community Empowerment through Desa Makmur Peduli Api
Addressing water related issues in communities, access to clean water and sanitation
Developing Infrastructure
Microfinancing for SME's
Supporting handicraft for economic empowerment
End of career training programmes
Community-based Waste Management
Social Impact Assessments to determine local community needs
Health programmes for young mothers and infants
Health clinics for employees and their family
Scholarship programme
Graduate training programme
Safety Culture programme
Employee Welfare Policy, covering safety, welbeing and data protection
Training and development
Ethic Call Centre to report concerns
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How We Work-CSR, CSR Programmes, Our People, Our Employees, Training, Human Right etc.