Our latest information in reports and updates
- Grievance
- CGF: Forest Positive Coalition
- High Carbon Stock (HCS)
- SERA Public Consultation Documents
- Forest Moratorium
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum
- Assessment on Link with Industrial Forest Plantation in Indonesia
- Rainforest Alliance evaluation report on FCP implementation (2015)
- Desa Makmur Peduli Api (IFFS)
- Integrated Fire Management
- Sustainable Practices
- Grievance Policy
- Grievance Verification Reports
- Verification Report ATP & DTK - April 2013
- Verification Report RIA - June 2013
- Verification Report SPM, BDL - September 2013
- Verification Report BAP, SBA, BMH - September 2013
- Verification Report FPP in South Sumatra - December 2013
- Verification Report Jambi Province - January 2014
- Verification Report RPHK-DTK - April 2014
- Verification Report MSK - Oct 2014
- Verification Report Senyerang - February 2015
- Verification Report BMH in West Kalimantan - April 2015
- Verification Report WKS Incident - April 2015
- APP's Statement on Mighty Earth Grievance-August 2018
- Verification Report on Logs from PT. Fajar Surya Swaya (FFS) - September 2018
- Verification Report on the grievance letter of LSM Matahari-Olak - September 2019
- Verification Report on Simpang Bayat and Pangkalan Bayat village - February 2020
APP Sustainability Report 2023
APP Sustainability Report 2022
APP Sustainability Report 2021
APP Sustainability Report 2020
APP Sustainability Report 2019
APP Sustainability Report 2018 PDF | Interactive Book
APP Sustainability Report 2017 PDF | Interactive Book
APP Sustainability Report 2016 PDF | Interactive Book
APP Sustainability Report 2015 PDF | Interactive Book
APP Sustainability Report 2014 PDF | Interactive Book
APP Sustainability Report 2013 PDF | Interactive Book
APP Sustainability Report 2012 PDF
APP Sustainability Report 2010-2011
APP Sustainability Report 2008-2009
APP Environmental and Social Sustainability Report for Indonesia 2007
APP Environmental and Social Sustainability Report for Indonesia 2005-2006
As an industry leader, APP strives to position itself as a corporate sustainability trailblazer. This is because we firmly believe that our success is a direct result of sustainable practices outlined in our sustainability strategy for the environmental, social, and economic aspects of our operations.
Thus, an adaptive and dynamic approach to business and sustainability will be key to our continued success. We believe our sustainability strategy and efforts clearly illustrate this philosophy and our vision of a sustainable future for us all. As a member of the Consumer Goods Forum’s Forest Positive Coalition APP has also submitted its KPIs to the coalition. The submitted KPIs are also reflected on our 2020 Sustainability Report though Page 83, Page 97 and page 105. The most recent updates on CGF's Forest Positive Coalition can be found in Page 60, Page 19 and Page 71 of our 2021 Sustainability Report.
APP Forest Conservation Policy (English)
APP Forest Conservation Policy - 18th Month Report (English)
APP Forest Conservation Implementation Plan: 2015 and Beyond (English)
APP Forest Conservation Policy Progress Update: September 2015 (English)
APP Forest Conservation Policy Progress Update - 3rd Anniversary: February 2016 (English)
APP Forest Conservation Policy Progress Update: September 2016 (English)
APP Forest Conservation Policy Progress Update - 4th Anniversary: March 2017 (English)
APP Forest Conservation Policy Progress Update: September 2017 (English)
APP Forest Conservation Policy Progress Update - 5th Anniversary: May 2018 (English)
APP Forest Conservation Policy Progress Update: September 2018 (English)
APP Forest Conservation Policy Progress Update: February 2019 (English)
Summary of HCS Assessments in 38 APP's suppliers
You can find more information about our HCS assessments that are under peer review at the HCSA Quality Assurance Process on this website - https://highcarbonstock.org/registered-hcsa-and-hcv-hcsa-assessments/
- Ata Marie Statement
- SERA result Acacia Belitung Timur (Closed)
- SERA result Acacia Forest Industries (Closed)
- SERA result Allied Natural Wood Exports (Closed)
- SERA Result Angkasa Prima Abadi (Closed)
- SERA result Bright Wood (Closed)
- SERA result Bina Usaha Tani Utama (Closed)
- SERA result CAT PHU QUANG NGAI (Closed)
- SERA Result CTY TNHH PHU DONG (Closed)
- SERA result CV Jaya Bersama (Closed)
- SERA result DHT (Closed)
- SERA result DUC HAI (Closed)
- SERA result Forico (Closed)
- SERA result Gapoktan Camar Bulan (Closed)
- SERA result Gabungan Koperasi Rimbo Kehidupan Lestari (Closed)
- SERA result Global Woodchip Trading (Closed)
- SERA result Hao Hung (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Teriti Jaya (Closed)
- SERA result Korintiga Hutani (Closed)
- SERA result KT Lestari Akasia Sejahtera (Closed)
- SERA result KT Tajau Bertuah (Closed)
- SERA Result KTH Siak Siap (closed)
- SERA result KTS Timber(Closed)
- SERA result Luong Son (Closed)
- SERA result Midway Limited (Closed)
- SERA Result Naga Mas (Closed)
- SERA result NCT (Closed)
- SERA result PEG (Closed)
- SERA result PEMARI (Closed)
- SERA result Pisico Quang Nam (Closed)
- SERA result Pring Maju (Closed)
- SERA result PT Global Trust Abadi (Closed)
- SERA result PT. Korintiga Hutani-CS (Closed)
- SERA result QUANG NAM (Closed)
- SERA result Red Sea (Closed)
- SERA result Rimba Musi Andalas (Closed)
- SERA result Siam Forestry (Closed)
- SERA result SSB (Closed)
- SERA result Thanh Hoa (Closed)
- SERA result Thanh Hoa (CS)(Closed)
- SERA result TPKRT Gapoktan Berkah Bersama (Closed)
- SERA result Vinachip (Closed)
- SERA result Wanakerta Eka Lestari (Closed)
- SERA result WHS (Closed)
- SERA result KT Wana Jaya (Closed)
- SERA result KT Rantau Karya Indah (Closed)
- SERA result Hutan Hak IKPP (Closed)
- SERA result PT Artelindo Wiratama (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Sepahat Berkah Bersama (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Produsen Satu Hati Penyengat (Closed)
- SERA result Hutan Hak Lontar (Closed)
- SERA result TPKRT PT Akasia Sukses Makmur (Closed)
- SERA result IPK PT OKI (Closed)
- SERA result Gapoktan Muara Kilis Bersatu (Closed)
- SERA result IPK PT Wana Subur Sawit Indah (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Bumbung (Closed)
- SERA result Gapoktan Sekayam Jaya Mandiri (Closed)
- SERA result HR Koperasi Rawa Makmur Jaya (Closed)
- SERA result Gapoktan Sidomulyo (Closed)
- SERA result KTH Putri Hijau (Closed)
- SERA result Perhutani KPH Banten (Closed)
- SERA result Kubu Mulya Forestry (Closed)
- SERA result Forestal Atlantico Sur (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Rimba Tiga Lestari (Closed)
- SERA result TWK Agri (Closed)
- SERA result GT Plywood (Closed)
- SERA result TCT Vietnam (Closed)
- SERA result Inhutani 2 (Closed)
- SERA result New Duc Hai (Closed)
- SERA result LEC Energy Joint Stock Company (Closed)
- SERA result KTH Rokan Berdikari (Closed)
- SERA result KTH Maju Sejahtera (Closed)
- SERA result KP Insan Medina Dumai (Closed)
- SERA result Shaiyo AA (Closed)
- SERA result KTH Maju Jaya Laksamana (Closed)
- SERA result PT Fajar Surya Swadaya (Closed)
- SERA result PT Wana Subur Lestari (Closed)
- SERA result Southern Forest Importation and Exportation LTDA (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Produsen Permata Makmur Abadi (Closed)
- Statement on Rainforest Alliance evaluation of TFT/Ata Marie wood supply study
- SERA result TPK-KB Rimba Musi Andalas (Closed)
- SERA result HTR KTH Mengkiang Lestari (Closed)
- SERA result Tuah Abadi Makmur (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Produsen SMBJ (Closed)
- SERA result KTH Pulau Muda Sejahtera (Closed)
- SERA result Phu Thai Chemicals Corporation (Closed)
- SERA result Kop Pemasaran Bunsur Bersatu Jaya (Closed)
- SERA result Cat Phu Vung Tau (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Produsen Putra Merempan Bersatu (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Negeri Bersama Maju Jaya (Closed)
- SERA result Hoang Anh Khoi Company Limited (Closed)
- SERA result Thanh Thanh Dat Co., LTD (Closed)
- Pre-SERA result PT Wahana Agro Mulia (Closed)
- Pre-SERA result PT Warna Agung Sejahtera (Closed)
- SERA result Australian Bluegum Plantation Pty. Ltd (Closed)
- SERA result Van Ly Trade Produce Company Limited (Closed)
- SERA result Phu Thai Global Corporation (Closed)
- SERA result Koperasi Produsen Bunsur Mitra Sejati (Public Notification 10 - 24 January 2025)
- SERA result Quang Dong (23 Jan - 06 Feb 2025)
- NFW Summary
- Protocol Related to Moratorium
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum 1
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum 2
- 2nd 160509 Stakeholder Advisory Forum- FCP Progress Presentation
- 2nd 160509 Stakeholder Advisory Forum-FCP Perception Survey Result
- 2nd 160509 Stakeholder Advisory Forum-Minutes Meeting
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum 3
- 3rd 161019 Stakeholder Advisory Forum - FCP Progress Update PPT
- 3rd 161028 Stakeholder Advisory Forum - Stakeholder's Recommendation
- 3rd 161028 Stakeholder Advisory Forum Attendance List
- 3rd 161028 Stakeholder Advisory Forum Report
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum 4
- 4th 170530 Presentation Transitions survey inputs
- 4th 170531 PPT FCP Updates
- 4th 170531 PPT for SAF3 Recommendation Follow Up
- 4th 170620 SAF#4mintues
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum 5
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum 6
- 6th 180323 FCP Progress Report
- 6th 180323 SAF#6 Minutes
- 6th 180323 Transitions Case Studies
- 6th 180323 V2020 Progress Update
- 6th EcoNusantara Presentation
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum 7
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum 8
- 8th Carbon Impact
- 8th Conservation Progress Update
- 8th FCP Progress Update
- 8th Land Dispute Resolution Progress Update
- 8th SAF#8 Minutes
- Stakeholder Advisory Forum 9
- 9th Sustainability Roadmap Vision 2030
- 9th Sustainability Dashboard
- 9th Land Dispute Resolution Progress Update
- 9th Realizing Desa Makmur Peduli Api
- 9th SAF#9 Minutes
Stakeholder Advisory Forum 10
- 10th Progress Update
- 10th SAF#10 Minutes
- Strategi dan Teknik Restorasi Dataran Rendah Lahan Kering
- Strategi dan Teknik Restorasi Ekosistem Hutan Rawa Air Payau
- Strategi dan Teknik Restorasi Hutan Rawa Gambut
Stakeholder Advisory Forum 11
Stakeholder Advisory Forum 12
Stakeholder Advisory Forum 13