Daily Fire Update
Hotspots: A small area or spot with relatively hot temperature in comparison to its surroundings and detected by satellite sensor. Hotspot does not necessarily mean fire. Additional field verification is needed to determine whether the hotspot indeed represent fire.
Remote sensing ‘Hot Spot’ data allows potential fires to be quickly detected and investigated. Our total number of hotspot data is provided daily from National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia (LAPAN) & ASEAN Specialized Meteorological Center (ASMC), also we compared it with data from SIPONGI (Fire Forest Monitoring website from Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia)
Hotspots verified no fire: hotspot information that has been verified by both APP’s fire monitoring center and field team, and the result confirms that there is no fire in the location.
Hotspots verified fire: hotspot information that has been verified by both APP’s fire monitoring center and field team, and the result confirms that there is fire in the location.
IMPORTANT: A single fire would be detected as multiple hotspots.
*Data updated every 24 hours