Grievance List
No. | Source | Reported Company | Summary | Date | Status | Verification Report |
1 | Online media | PT Riau Indo Agropalma (PT RIA) | Jikalahari and ICEL alleged illegal forest clearing by APP Supplier, PT Riau Indo Agropalma (PT RIA) |
Received: 29 February 2024 |
Monitoring |
Investigation summary on PT RIA (English) |
2 | Email to sustainability | PT Wirakarya Sakti (PT WKS) | Report submitted by Serikat Tani Tebo related to a presumption that PT WKS has uprooted palm oil trees belongs to Ahmad Sukur, a member of ST Tebo. |
Received: 30 March 2022 |
Closed |
Response letter sent on 30 March 2022 (Bahasa) |
3 | Integrated Call Center (ICC) | PT Kreasi Kotak Megah II (KKM II) | Report submitted by the Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Kepedulian Sosial Masyarakat Nusantara (DPP KSMN) North Sumatra related to the operational of PT KKM II Medan. The report covering several issue such as: environment, CSR program and local recruitment. | Received: 3 June 2021 |
On Progress
31/12/2021 Verification Report - Closed |
Verification Report on Dusun II Telagasari Village-December 2021 (Bahasa) |
4 | A letter from Simpang Bayat and Pangkalan Bayat village on 28 October 2019 | Bumi Persada Permai | The community members of Simpang Bayat and Pangkalan Bayat village asked about APP’s and Bumi Persada Permai commitment on the implementation of trial study of HCSA social requirements. | Received: 28 October 2019 Closed: 6 March 2020 |
Closed | Verification Report On Simpang Bayat and Pangkalan Bayat-February 2020 |
5 | Auriga released a report titled “APP and APRIL violate zero-deforestation policies with wood purchases from Djarum Group concessions in East Kalimantan” on 15 August 2018. https://auriga.or.id/app-and-april-violate-zero-deforestation-policies-with-wood-purchases-from-djarum-group-concessions-in-east-kalimantan/ |
Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Perawang mill | Grievance regarding IKPP Perawang ill purchased logs from a company still involved in deforestation after year 2013 or after APP FCP commitment. |
Received: 15 August 2018 Closed: 5 September 2018 |
Closed | Verification Report On Logs from PT. Fajar Surya Swadaya (FSS) – September 2018 |
6 | Email from Mighty Earth on 24 May 2018 | Asia Pulp & Paper | Grievance regarding APP’s intention to take on ‘KTS Timber Sdn Bhd’ as a new supplier to APP APP and Mighty Earth agreed on following action points: 1. APP will not consider any future pulpwood supply contracts with KTS Timber Sdn Bhd until their links to deforestation issues are addressed. 2. APP will revisit the SERA procedures under the Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) to strengthen its implementation and better align with the FCP. |
Received: 24 May 2018 Closed: 7 August 2018 |
Closed | APP’s Statement on Might Earth grievance-August 2018 |
7 | Email from Mighty Earth on 19 May 2018 | Asia Pulp & Paper | Grievance against the result of the SERA processes regarding one of the proposed suppliers to APP – PT Korintiga Hutani. Verified and APP response can be found in the verification report APP and Mighty Earth agreed on following action points: 1. APP will not consider any future pulpwood supply contracts with PT. Korintiga Hutani until their links to deforestation issues are addressed. 2. APP will revisit the SERA procedures under the Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) to strengthen its implementation and better align with the FCP. |
Received: 19 May 2018 Closed: 7 August 2018 |
Closed | APP’s Statement on Might Earth grievance-August 2018 |
8 | Email from NGO Matahari on 12 March 2018 | PT. Arara Abadi | Overlapping area between PT. Arara Abadi concession and Olak Tribe customary land. | Received: 12 March 2018 Closed: 2 September 2019 |
Closed | The Verification Report on LSM Matahari grievance-September 2019 |
9 | A letter from the Head of Rukam Village to APP and Jaringan Masyarakat Gambut Jambi (JMG-J) | Pt. Wirakarya Sakti | PT WKS in Jambi province conducted an eradication on community plantation areas in year 2003 | Received: 16 Januari 2016 Closed: 27 July 2017 |
Closed | The verification report WKS – July 2017 (Bahasa) |
10 | A letter from NGO coalition to APP. NGOs coalition: EPN, WWF, RAN, FPP, WBH, WARSI, JMGR, Link-AR, Scale Up |
Asia Pulp & Paper | APP’s performance in relation to the development and implementation of sustainability roadmap and FCP. | Received: 28 October 2015 Closed: 28 October 2015 |
Closed | Not required |
11 | Email from Greenomics to APP | PT. Rimba Hutani Mas (RHM)- South Sumatra | Plantation and fire incident in Protected Forest area at PT RHM in South Sumatra | Received: 24 November 2015 Closed: 7 June 2016 |
Closed | The verification report RHM-December 2015 (Bahasa) |
12 | Email from Greenomics to APP | PT. Bumi Mekar Hijau (BMH) in South Sumatra | Hijau (BMH) in South Sumatra Plantation on protected area at PT BMH in South Sumatra | Received: 5 November 2015 Closed: 7 June 2016 |
Closed | The verification report BMH-November 2015 (Bahasa) |
13 | Email from Greenomics to APP | PT. Bumi Mekar Hijau (BMH) in South Sumatra | Land preparation on protected area at PT BMH in South Sumatra | Received: 28 September 2015 Closed: 7 June 2016 |
Closed | The verification report BMH-October 2015 |
14 | Press release from Jikalahari | PT. Satria Perkasa Agung - Serapung dan PT. Arara Abadi | Restoration of areas impacted by fire | Received: 28 September 2015 Closed: 11 November 2015 |
Closed | The verification report SPA & AA – November 2015 |
15 | Email from Mongabay and press release from Greenomics | PT. Bumi Mekar Hijau (BMH) in West Kalimantan | The changes in the land cover identified by Greenomics did not occur due to clearance by BMH, but due to forest fires in the area between from June – August 2014. | Received: 4 April 2015 Closed: 24 July 2015 |
Closed | The verification report BMH |
16 | PT. Wirakarya Sakti (WKS) | PT. Wirakarya Sakti | A report from PT WKS to Forestry HQ. The incident was caused by unscrupulous members of MCP guard Rapid Response Unit (URC). The incident was a criminal case and now under formal process under Indonesia Law by official authorities. On March 13, 2015, APP met the family of Indra Pelani to maintain relationship and express the company’s condolences. APP has also terminated contract the security contract MCP. |
Received: 28 February 2015 Closed: 30 April 2015 |
Closed | The Verification Report on District 8 Incident |
17 | RAN report: http://www.ran.org/app_social_ commitment_performance_2015 _full_report |
Asia Pulp & Paper | APP’s performance in meeting its social responsibility commitments. | Received: 14 January 2015 Closed: 8 May 2017 |
Closed | The Verification Report on Social Responsibility Commitment (Bahasa) |
18 | Forest People Programme (FPP) report: http://www.forestpeoples.org/topics/pulp-paper/publication/2014/lessons-learned-conflict-negotiations-and-agreement-between-senye |
PT. Wirakarya Sakti (WKS) | Senyerang conflict resolution at WKS in Jambi. APP commits to support the rights of communities in and around the operation and those of our suppliers. Our work with the community in Senyerang was recently recognised as a land conflict success story by the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict in Jakarta. |
Received: 19 December 2014 Closed: 11 June 2015 |
Closed | The verification report WKS – Senyerang Village |
19 | Jikalahari | PT. Mutiara Sabuk Khatulistitwa (MSK) | There was land clearing activity for a coconut hybrid plantation by the local community in the overlap area between PT MSK and the palm oil company PT SAL (not owned by Sinar Mas Group/APP). APP has issued a warning letter to PT MSK and reaffirmed the reporting procedure for violation of the FCP and is taking steps to resolve the legal status of the overlap area with PT SAL. |
Received: 29 September 2014 Closed: 11 November 2014 |
Closed | The verification report MSK |
20 | Greenomics | PT. Daya Tani Kalbar (DTK) PT. Asia Tani Persada (ATP) PT. Acacia Andalan Utama (AAU) PT. Kelawit Wana Lestari (KWL) | No breach by any of the suppliers. Reforestation fund payment and penalties were paid for natural forest clearing activities prior to the moratorium (1 February 2013). | Received: 2014 Closed: 11 June 2014 |
Closed | Clarification report sent to Greenomics. |
21 | Wahana Bumi Hijau Foundation | PT. Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) | Objection to the development of OKI Mill in South Sumatra. Collaborative discussions held between APP/WBH/Econusa (AMDAL consultant)/TFT. |
Received: 14 March 2013 Closed: 25 April 2014 |
Closed | Not required |
22 | RPH Kalimantan and WWF | PT. Daya Tani Kalbar (DTK) | Allegation there was moratorium breach at DTK in West Kalimantan. | Received: 17 December 2013 Closed: 7 April 2014 |
Closed | TFT Verification report –West Kalimantan |
23 | Greenpeace Indonesia | PT. Wirakarya Sakti (WKS) | Allegation there was moratorium breach at WKS in Jambi. | Received: 27 November 2013 Closed: 13 March 2014 |
Closed | TFT Verification report – Jambi |
24 | Forest People Programme (FPP) | PT. Bumi Mekar Hijau (BMH) PT. Sebangun Bumi Andalas (SBA) PT. Bumi Andalas Permai (BAP) | In July 2013, FPP conducted surveys andfield studies in the Villages of Riding, Sungai Rasau, and Jadimulya in which APP pulpwood suppliers: BMH, SBA and BAP, run their operations, and where an integrated pulp and paper mill is planned to be constructed (OKI mill). The claims made in the report were investigated and addressed through APP’s grievance procedures. |
Received: July 2013 Closed: 13 March 2014 |
Closed | TFT Verification Report – South Sumatra |
25 | German Parliament BTNP | Asia Pulp & Paper | The conservation opportunity in the area adjacent to Bukit Tigapuluh National Park. | Received: 2013 Closed: 19 September 2013 |
Closed | Not required |
26 | Mongabay | PT. Riau Indo Agropalma | Moratorium breach at RIA in Riau, which led to a full audit of all suppliers in Indonesia by a joint APP / TFT team. Breach identified and stopped, MTH (Mixed Tropical Hardwood/natural forest logs) from breach stopped entering mills. Discussion between RIA, community, government, NGOs and APP was undertaken on 18 July 2013 to determine utilization of the logged MTH (e.g. for community or sell to others) and next step on future TK obligation of RIA. The subsequent audit of all of APP’s Indonesian suppliers discovered similar breaches at PT. BDL in Riau and PT. BAP, PT. SPA and PT. BMH in South Sumatra, and resulted in new procedures being implemented to prevent further breaches. |
Received: 15 May 2013 Closed: 26 June 2013 |
Closed | TFT Verification Report – RIA TFT Verification Report – SPM, BDL TFT Verification Report – BAP, SBA, BMH |
27 | Mongabay, CSO Consortium | Asia Pulp & Paper | Feedback from the CSO Consortium on social protocols related to FCP was discussed and clarified during meeting between the APP/SMF/TFT/CSO consortiums on 16 May 2013. | Received: 16 May 2013 Closed: 16 May 2013 |
Closed | Not required |
28 | RPHK, Mongabay, TribunKalbar, Pontianak Post | PT. Asia Tani Persada (ATP) PT. Daya Tani Kalbar (DTK) |
Moratorium breach at ATP and DTK in West Kalimantan | Received: 26 March 2013 Closed: 4 April 2013 |
Closed | TFT Verification report – Kalimantan |
29 | REKI and Birdlife | Bumi Persada Permai (BPP) | REKI area overlapping with BPP area. Collaborative discussions held between APP/PT REKI/BPP.A mutually agreed solution has been arranged. APP and PT REKI is moving forward with implementation. |
Received: 23 July 2013 Closed: 23 July 2013 |
Closed | Not required |
30 | Jikalahari | Pulpwood suppliers in Riau province | Clarification on list of suppliers in Riau | Received: 25 February 2013 Closed: 25 February 2013 |
Closed | Not required |
31 | Wahana Bumi Hijau Foundation | PT. Tripupa Jaya (TPJ) | Moratorium breach in TPJ, South Sumatra | Received: 25 February 2013 Closed: 25 February 2013 |
Closed | Not required |
Submitting Your Grievance
It is highly important to submit evidences to support the grievance, in order to allow the team to take field verification and develop verification reports.